Author: Felipe


Who are you waiting for?

Looking at the sky, remembering a voice or a smile… all your thoughts wander around the same idea as you try to understand what is happening deep inside… suddenly that feeling hits back as...



Frozen in time and space… I’m trying to find myself inside the thin lines drawn by the sun, but then I realize that I’m not there… this is simply a stage in my mind...



You woke up this morning and realized how dark the world is… you look around and suddenly you see nothing but difficulties and obstacles that made your sight gray… let me tell you something...


And we keep walking…

We have been walking for a while, fighting against the coldness of the world and going through difficult paths… but here we are, leaving a trace for those who will come behind us… we...


Afternoon tea

The sun light falling down through the little spaces between you and me, the warm smell coming from the cup, and the chilling air touching the window glass… I can really call this a...


Otros 365 dias que se van

Ahora que ya todos en todos los husos horarios se puede decir “feliz año nuevo” me dispongo a escribir un poco de lo que ha sido para mi esta “celebracion”… o como sea que...



You are about to embark in a new adventure, about to leave everything you know behind and search inside yourself the strength you need… once you take the first step, keep walking facing the...


What's your next move?

You thought you’ve got all well planned, you hoped that everything was going to be what you expected… but everything suddenly changed right before your eyes and you lost the upper hand… It’s time...