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Eternally waiting

As I went inside a temple in Kyoto, I found this girls waiting there… observing everything inside with a peaceful look… Are they waiting for someone to come? or are they waiting for something...


Hasta pronto…

Ya casi se termina el mes de marzo y en Japon significa que muchas cosas cambiaran, es decir unas cosas terminan y otras inician… por ejemplo: el año fiscal, ciclos escolares, nuevos empleados en...


Fallen star

Just when I thought that stars could only be found in the dark void of the sky, I found myself looking at a fallen star near the sea… I know this star will like...


Fisherman reflections

When the sun is about to set, reflections on the water are more than light bouncing here and there… they resemble the thoughts of the people who are reflected on it… as if we...


Walking ghost

There are ghost walking all around the city… if you pay attention you will see them… specially if they are wearing high heels…



In order to cross the sacred gate, every soul should wait until the right time comes… you can call it the sunset of every living being. Once they gather around the afterlife gates there...


Distant generations

They had not lived in the same period, they had walked their own path and dreamed about thousand different things… yet, they “clash” under the holy door… different generations, a single belief… and once...


Mexicanos en Japon – El podcast!

Pues aqui para presentarles el nuevo proyecto que traemos entre manos los del grupo de #MexInvJpn (es decir los Mexicanos que andamos de twitteros y que ademas estamos por aca en Japon), se trata...


Changing roles

This time I’m the one “watching”, as people comes and goes around this aquarium… they came here to know a bit more about the life under the sea… so did I.. But I also...


Beautiful night

What would you expect to see in a beautiful night if the moon is about to hide itself among the clouds?… Not sure if you had seen it but, there are some who likes...